Friday, December 23, 2016

Sordid Sodomites

Join us in welcoming the brand new inhabitants of this Blogplanet:

Joseph M ~ Beat-maker extraordinaire, this Cali native will provide the soundtrack to this upbeat trainwreck. As "bitchy" and non-kidney-donating as he may be, his unfaltering confidence and insane productivity will give us reason to continue.

Dave C ~ Guitarist for the Nonexistent, this early 20s traveler-lite will charm us into buying his nondescript take on life and love. He's a hit among the undecided, and a damn good Falco too.

Raoul R ~ Programmer, tortured soul and Bob Dylan fanatic, this tall handsome gentleman will provide technical and cultural insights throughout the evenings. His phenomenal taste in film and music might spark subjectivity debates among the proletariat; stay tuned.

Angelo L ~ Student of the camera and gamer4life, this College Graduate will provide snap-chats and inopportune candids for the rest of the world to glance upon. His determination and willpower will override many conflicts in this City of Blogache, and his nice shot(!)s will be given due reverence.

Nick Author ~ Working with a coffee-stained Acer and the sordid remains of a once-powerful friend group, this lonely bloggist will try to entertain for a few minutes at a time. Anticipate a saccharine origin story by post 39ish.

Anthony F ~ A third-rate Peachthat's all you need to know. Look for side stories to feature his decidedly "hooked up" living space. 

Monday, March 21, 2016

Questionable Helmsman

The person accountable for these developmentally-stunted words is lost. Gratefully so, I (he) might add. Where do we go? The perspective may creep towards omniscient third-person with a hint of unreliable second. Questions? Unfettered spats of urban rage? Tweet @ me.

Reluctant Inception

When life turns to slush, or when post-collegiate opportunism turns into empty six-packs and scattered AV cables, blogs are necessary. En masse. They'll shake your perceptions about those physically closest to you right now. Welcome to The Fictional Gardening. You're part of the new wave of disgusting personal attacks sneakily disguised as masturbatory meanderings. Enjoy the view.