Thursday, July 11, 2019

Fruitless Cusp

App logos yelling out like rap promos. To the trash you go-go. Insta banned; Snap zapped. Now let's... sliiiide to the left. Forgot about those unflattering graduation party candids. Baleetedexcept this sexy beast (conceited)and ceded space for more of my fleeting face.

Alas, I've been off the grid; spent more time on Google Maps than its three-dimensional counterparts. I'm that yellow faceless guy without the millions of miles accumulated. So what's up? Nick the Raptor, badactor, tact-lacker, Smash plat-er, trash chatter. Poker night with 4 bots and a 67-year-old Grandmother from Southern Illinois.

Open on the cut-off with K6o; gets through. Get some blinds; then hit on Grandma in the community chatbox. Bots think they got a shot with Foldy McOldy but I'm clearly in the money so-to-speak. She accidentally makes her profile pic the sext she intended to send me and gets banned right before I got her digimons. Bot #4 with the nitty fold after I open-shove my 6h9h. Can clearly tell this kid is waiting for his pocket rockets before he limps then sharts on my middling high cards.

Yeah I get it WordPress, I need to get cookies soon. As I nibble way on this last chocolate chip serotonin-releaser, I can slowly feel the fruit-cups in the back of the fridge bid for my attention. And yes, little guys, your patience has been rewarded. #reluctantlyhealthy #realdesserts

Check my OK Cupids; all of them are taken already. Message a lady with her husband splatted on her cover photo and tell Missy to take a hikesave the expletives for a less-classy intellerlextual. Photoshop my top 7 waifus on a picture of my face upon Chad Studly's body; let the jealousy commence! I can assure you I received numerousand sexually-opportunisticcomments within seconds of my newly-indulgent Cutepic.

Rebound; back on the mound; pitching 83 mph curveballs to daydrinking clowns. This stocky stock-trader just crushed one right back at me; bare-handed itdabbedthrew it into the stands ... ended up hitting one of the fans. Now I'm banned. Back to the jacky chans.

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