Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Filler Toast

     Greetings fellow Readers. How are y'all? "Good!" Mademoiselle Alyssa responds. Her smile is bright and warm, her voice similarly sunny. I instantly feel better about the life of this post!
     As the title states, this is just a Filler Toast. Trying to satiate my hungry blog-kun until the fetish-filled party tale is ready to serve. Have some jams. Kick back, click clack, let's see what's up.
     The weather is pretty fuckable today. 93 with a light breeze, some nonthreatening clouds making the sun-rays bearable. It's gonna be a good summer for indie shows and making out with the bros.
     Need more coffee. This post has the energy of the dead fish I fucked last night (yes). Re-filled my World's Best Son mug and added extra no-sugar. The jitters begin and my eyes start to dilate. Holy shitthat wasn't (no)-sugar. Oh wait, my pupils are just normally gigantic. *Phew*
     Caffeine wearing off already. Phone ringing: "Talha M". Wait for three rings and casually lean forward to pick it up. Oh boy, did it go to voicemail already? Guess I'll call my best friend back. Goodbye forever (for a hot sec).
      Discussion Q of the week: What have y'all been watching? Any 'dank Netflix finds'? Anyone hit the theatre? Anyone wanna go see a skin flick w/ me?
      💋s to all, and someone Fedex me some Intelligentsia.

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